I am going to say that at least 75% of people taking my quiz say they want to keep the cost around 500 dollars so I am putting up a special page on this. I am not here to trash talk cheap models as those that are doing maintenance or don't need a heavy detox don't need an expensive model and a cheap model can be perfectly fine.
NOTE: If someone wants a demo of a super expensive foot spa they can be rented or you can pay for each session with those with a computer chip that monitors treatment sessions.
Many people need an ionic foot bath only temporarily and don't find a need to buy an expensive model just to use it for a year. We have plenty of 2800 dollar Ionclease foot spas that we can rent for just one month or however long. I am not here to try to convince people to buy the more expensive ones or tyr to convince someone to buy a better one. I have a quiz that you can fill out and I will pick a model based on your answers.
You should never keep a foot spa if you don't notice results from. This is why using one temporarily and only buying it if it works for you. Many people rent to own. The warranties are registered to us on the ones we rent and if you rent it and decide to keep it we can transfer the warranty to you in your name through the manufacture.
I will say that most ionic foot spas that sell for around 500 have cheap electrical components and are not FDA cleared which is a problem for me personally. The cheap ones do not have 316 steel and usually have non certified metals in their arrays. The cheap ionic foot spas do not usually produce enough negative electrons to dissolve even calcium in arthritic joints. There is simply not enough power to release the toxins stored in the fat and put enough ions in the liver to let it dump when people almost always need a liver flush to get the heavy metals out of the body. The ionic foot bath works best when these other protocols are taken at the same time and when recommended not to start the foot baths until these flushes are done.
Note: the ionic foot spas don't leach out just all the toxins in the body it attaches negative ions to. The liver must be functioning properly or most people get little to no results from the ionic foot bath. Many people that have succeeded with these have told me the liver flushes that work and which ones don't. The liver when working properly changes the make up of the toxins and heavy metals and when they go back into the blood stream, the kidneys help filter them out through urine. The toxins once processed by the liver can be eliminated through the largest organ, our skin through our feet.
Note: unless the steel is 316 stainless steel, their can be high leaching of nickel and chromium in cheap steel and it can leach back into the body through the pores in the feet. This is sometimes why the urine is discolored after a session. With 316 steel arrays this rarely happens.
With this in mind, a cheap ionic foot bath is good as long as low amperage is going through it and especially if it has thin non 316 steel plates.
If you truly can't afford to get a high end ionic foot bath, renting it can be a better option or getting a used one from someone that doesn't need it anymore that is still under warranty.
Note: some manufacturers don't let you transfer the warranty over but most warranty claims are not covered as almost all of the time it is the users fault for misuse of the ionic foot spa.
Take my ionic foot bath quiz and I will help you pick out a model. If you really can't spend over 500 dollars, please let me know on my quiz and I will do what I can to help.
If you have questions about my site, I take calls from 11am to 9pm, eastern.
Ask for Sharon 1-877-573-4647