Depending on my current health conditions and the voltage of my body which can be tested by a volt meter. Radio Shack sells volt meters for about 35 bucks. Based on my body voltage, I may need more pulling or pushing polarity power during my sessions is related to an array that is producing a positive polarity field at a ratio of 2 to 1 positive ions to negative ions. 
These ions are what are responsible for shifting my body towards an acidic ph which is important if I am doing frequent or high Amp negative ion footpaths which can shift my pH value to a high alkaline state
Pulling polarity power during my sessions is directly related to an array that is producing a negative polarity field with a ratio of 2 to 1 or greater negative ions to positive ions.

Balancing my body's voltage ratios and pH is important. Few people understand how to run the right kind of sessions their body needs depending on many factors like current health conditions and even diet, for example if you eat a lot of minimal products that leave an alkaline residue behind in in the digestive tract. That alkaline residue paralyses the peristalsis movement of the tract to move along the foods. So for those individuals who need to get their blood pH more alkaline they might need to run a session with negative ions running mainly then the next day running a positive ion session to provide the person enough pushing power to move waste products from the elimination pathways.

In general most people have a major imbalance of too many positive ions in the body and organs vs negative which results in a sluggishness and over toxicity of them. Intracellular communication is disturbed because the electron transport chain is interrupted. Using negative ion foot baths for the first few weeks is usually necessary for most people and monitoring one's health progress including any new symptoms or signs that arise during the course of the ionic foot bath sessions as well as testing pH of urine every morning to know when to run a positive polarity foot bath session. 

The cells of the body use positive ions and negative ions to either push or pull nutrients and toxins in or out of the cell wall. Having an intimate understanding of the body's inner bio terrain will inform me as to what kind of foot bath protocol or program to start with and when to change up the regime.

Note: there are some brands of footbath that promote that their arrays send both positive and negative polarity ions into the bath simultaneously. In my own experience and speaking with some of the premier detox clinics I have learned that people tend to respond better by doing separate sessions focusing on just one polarity at a time. Most clinics recommend doing the lower amperage foot baths to me if not in a crisis situation or not knowing if the body can handle it.

Using a higher amp ionic foot spa can help rid heavy metals and toxins which can help our voltage but if the heavy metals don't get eliminated they can get circulated back into the bloodstream instead of being stored into the fat (homeostasis) and make it even worse than before going into an ionic foot bath. If done right it should raise the body voltage by 5 to 10 millivolts. By doing several protocols before and after the session can help ensure this doesn't happen.

Please read my higher amperage page to read more.

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I will see to it that no one gets confused over buying an ionic foot spa anymore.
Ask for Alex 1-877-573-4647 
...because I had to buy five ionic foot baths till I found the highest pulling power